The Swiftype Blog / Google Custom Search: You Get What You Pay For

Google Custom Search: You Get What You Pay For

When you meet someone for the first time, you create a first impression within seven seconds. Your website is no exception. Once on your website, your prospects and customers develop and hold on to lasting associations of your company, your brand and your overall credibility. If they experience any trouble finding the information they are looking for, they will abandon their search and potentially take their interest elsewhere.

Because of this, making it easy for visitors to quickly find information is crucial. Your site’s search box remains the most obvious way for visitors to find what they’re seeking. For many, the go-to solution has been the recently-discontinued Google Site Search, which is now transitioning to Google Custom Search Engine (CSE).

You Get What You Pay For

Now, not only do you have to address a potential migration to Google CSE, you’ll also have to consider the impact to visitor experience that comes with this change. It’s your website and your brand. It’s up to you to maintain the integrity of both on behalf of your company, so take a moment to consider these three points before you make the move to CSE:

  • It puts third-party ads on your website
  • It takes away your control of site search results
  • It distracts visitors from your brand and site design

Get all the facts now

Download the full white paper now for all the details on the 3 Reasons Why Google Custom Search Engine Isn’t Worth the Free Price and make sure you’re making a choice that’s right for you and your website visitors.

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