According to a recent Oracle survey of B2B companies, “advanced on-site search/navigation” was the most-cited “key capability” for B2B ecommerce, mentioned by 45% of respondents. Site search has clearly been identified by B2B ecommerce companies as a “key capability:”
“Many respondents believe that their customers are looking for key capabilities such as custom pricelists, search & navigation, and mobile web/apps when buying online.”
Additionally, Oracle’s survey of B2C ecommerce companies drew the following conclusion:
“While there is much focus on building relationships with customers to increase loyalty, a huge challenge for organizations is the lack of visibility to the customer, their preferences, and their relationship with the brand as a whole (across channels).”
Customer feedback is essential to B2C ecommerce. We’ve seen our clients leverage Swiftype search to help understand customers, as seeing exactly what your customers are looking for is highly relevant. Our simple custom results offering makes it easy to quickly respond to this feedback and design optimal paths for searchers on your website.
At Swiftype, we power numerous ecommerce site searches, and have fantastic plugins built specifically for ecommerce platforms such as Shopify and Magento. If you have an online store and are ready to add powerful ecommerce search to your store, send us a note to set up a demo.